Watch: County Final Countdown – Kilcar Manager John McNulty

Kilcar Donegal Senior Champions 2017. Photo Brian McDaid / Cristeph Studio

Kilcar are back in the county final for the first time since 2017 as the Towney men clash with Noamh Conaill in the delayed 2020 decider this weekend in Ballybofey.

Kilcar v Naomh Conaill will be LIVE on Highland this Saturday. Join the Highland team of Oisin Kelly, Martin McHugh and Brendan Kilcoyne from 7.30pm for the build up and then the big game LIVE from 8pm. Coverage of the 2020 Donegal Couty Final is in association with Healthwise Pharmacies.

As Kilcar chase a seventh senior title, the final buzz is back in the parish but they will be short Brian O’Donnell and Aidan McGinley for the game.

In the County Final Preview, Oisin Kelly has been speaking with the Kilcar boss John McNulty…
