Deadpool 2 actor Josh Brolin, who plays Cable, is already trolling Ryan Reynolds

Ryan Reynolds loves trolling and everyone in turn –but especially Hugh Jackman and Deadpool co-star Morena Baccarin – loves trolling him.

Now Josh Brolin, who was recently cast as Cable in Deadpool 2, is getting in on the fun.
Brolin shared the first picture of himself as the time-travelling mutant assassin Cable last night:
The Instagram post was captioned “You know, just meditating,” and included a number of hashtags such as: “#deadpool2 #clostraphobiarocks #ryanreyondsismybitch #umguys”
The post could easily be in response to Reynolds’ own reaction to the news of Brolin being cast:

The fuck, Fox! You can’t play 2 characters in the same universe!! Josh Brolin was in Sicario and I was in Sabrina The Teenage Witch.

Brolin will reportedly play Cable in at least four films. He also plays Thanos in the upcoming Avengers: Infinity War.

