Retention application for unauthorised used development refused in Bundoran

An Bord Pleanala has refused a retention application for an unauthorised mixed used development in Bundoran. The application, in the name of Damien Connolly, involves the retention of 49 apartments, 2 retail units, restaurant and various amendments to a previously approved planning application.
The appeal had been lodged by local activist Patricia Mc Cafferty.
An Bord Pleanala  turned down the application for the retention of works carried out at the site formerly occupied by the Imperial Hotel and Westlea House.
Permission had been previously granted for some development at the site, but the work done differs from those permissions.
A number of grounds for refusal were lodged by the appellant, Patricia Mc Cafferty, with the board accepting one of them. It is an objective of the Bundoran and Environs Development Plan to support the provision of a public walkway and cycle path along the shoreline of Donegal Bay, and the board finds that the development as it stands would severely impact on that happening.
The appeal documents also contained references to some elected members and planning authority
officials, with the Bord inspector saying it should be understood that the Board is solely concerned with issues relevant to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area and that other issues have not been considered in his report.
