Evaluation report identifies serious management issues in SN Eoghain, Moville

A Department of Education evaluation report has expressed serious concern about the the management of Scoil Náisunta Eoghain in Moville. The school moved into a new purpose built premises in November of last year.
The evaluation says that the board of management is not functioning satisfactorily as a cohesive unit, and working relationships between the board and the principal have broken down.
When the school was visited by the inspection team in December of last year, Scoil Naisunta Eoghain had 220 pupils and thirteen teachers on its staff, including an administrative principal who was on leave at the time.
The key issue identified in the report is the need to ensure that lines of communication and a professional working relationship are reestablished between the Board and the principal.
The report says the effectiveness of the role of the principal could not be evaluated fully as he was on leave for almost all of the whole-school evaluation process. In-school management arrangements were found to be seriously deficient at the time of the evaluation.
The report praises the work being done by teachers and acknowledges the excellent behaviour of pupils. However, it stresses that the principal, the post-holders and the teachers, in consultation with the board, need to develop a clear vision and a common purpose.
One former board member has told Highland Radio News that the situation is improving, and progress is being made since the inspection in December last year. The principal, who is still absent from the school, told Highland Radio News today he is being prevented from doing his job, and he has written to the Department of Education to outline his concerns.
However, he says his concerns were not included in the evaluation report, which he says does not reflect the full story.
Evaluation Report Here
